Hardik Khurana
1 min readMar 2, 2021


Hello Everyone,
Yesterday, I have attended a live webinar on Kubernetes and OpenShift by Redhat officials Mr. Amel Mathai, Mr. Daleep Singh Bais, and Mr. Abid Matoo.

* This was an amazing session in which learned about Containers and Virtual Machines.

* How container differs from a virtual Machine??
VMs are genuine OS, which can serve Multiple programs whereas Containers are guest OS, used for a specific program or isolated deployment of any app or services.

* Some Features of Kubernetes:-
1. Scalability
2. Portability
3. Stability

* Challenges of Kubernetes:-
1. Deployment on a Big Scale
2. Hardening
3. Operations

* OpenShift is an Open-source container Orchestration Tool used for enterprise application development.
1. Pods AutoScaling
2. High Availability
3. CI/CD

* Source To Image (S2I)
The developer puts his code on git and the workflow of git sends the code to the Opensource image repository where it is converted into Image, which is used in provisioning type of things.

* Podman is a faster Container Engine than Docker. behind the scene of uses services of docker.

#RedHat #vimaldaga #righteducation #educationredefine #rightmentor #linuxworld #makingindiafutureready #righeducation #arthbylw #containersbylw #kubernetes #expertsession #amel #daleep

